Well, here we are again. An update is overdue but those of you of a certain age know how time speeds up the older you get!


The school is doing well, the teachers Sienna, Veronica and Mathew work well together and we've had a long period of stability. I was heartened to see how often they visited Vomila when he was poorly and we thank them for that. For those of you who don't follow us on face book, sadly Vomila died recently. His parents who are incredibly poor, loved and cared for him wonderfully and our hearts went out to them. Losing a child is as devastating wherever you live in the world. Several people said " it's different for 'them' "- no it's not. Thanks as always to Brian and Diana for organising all of his medical needs and delivering food etc to the family.


I love to see photos of Connor since his operation, you'll note he tucks in his t-shirt now to show off his flat tummy! I know it sounds a bit twee but it just goes to show how incredibly easy it is to change someone's life ( or in his case maybe save it)















The Brixham Soroptomists  are sponsoring Pasaka who has started her two year teacher's training course, she was so excited and happy and is helping out at Lisa's School whenever she can. At the moment she's checking up on all the children who left the school last year to make sure they are attending the new school and have everything they need in the way of uniforms and books.Ten children who are leaving the school this year are being sponsored to go on to Umoja Muehlbauer Academy. The Academy was built by an American charity,  is run by a German organisation and it will give the children the best follow on education in the area. I mentioned before that all children have to be 'graded' and their place in the class recorded. This seems a bit extreme for 3 year olds, however by the time they leave us at 6 or 7 it seemed the fairest way to decide who would be sponsored. All the children are in need but people in the area understand this way of doing things and we don't want to cause any jealousy. So far ten people and a Rotary club have promised £200 a year for 3 years for sponsorship. What lucky children!


The fundraising continues to go well. Someone who read our charity commission report asked why our income is greater than our expenditure- a perfectly valid question. I feel that we need to have a 'fighting fund' for unexpected medical, infrastructure etc needs but mainly so that we can continue in the future should funding decrease, for example if people's circumstances change and they can no longer afford their monthly donation. I think we have the balance about right, we're moving forward slowly without putting existing commitments in jeopardy. I look on different websites where projects start off so enthusiastically and then slowly peter out because they've been too ambitious and tried to grow too quickly. The playground is the next project when Brian has the time, hopefully next year. Poor Brian- now it's in writing the pressure is on!

We've had several visitors who've ventured up to the school and all reports are positive, the children just love visitors and it gives the teachers a boost too.



Brian hired a bus to take them on an outing into the game park which was very exciting for them and they've had several trips to swim in the river. Looking at the photos you can see how the uniforms take a hammering!



I've been giving 'talks' to various groups, public speaking is not my forte and Terry is married to a technical dimbo but he sorts me out and people are very interested in an area and culture they've not encountered before as well as the school.




I always miss out people when I list them individually so I won't.  First of all, the monthly sponsors,-  it's wonderful to know that the regular amount is coming in and I don't think you know how much better I sleep knowing you're there!


We are so lucky to have volunteers who fundraise for us, make  stuff, collect uniforms and generally help out. Lisa's friends and family in Switzerland continue to be amazing.


I must mention Pat (who is a trustee) and John who have been selling books outside their house for 3 years and spend an awful lot of time running in and out as the weather changes. So far they have raised £1400 with donated books. They're always there when anything needs doing- thank you both.


Happy Christmas to everyone and a huge thank you to all. Liz xx


   Lisa's School Project is a UK Registered Charity No. 1142900

   To donate  or for information about the school feel free to contact us on:

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